July 15, 2024


The Quickness Drink One Glass of Wine

The Quickness Drink One Glass of Wine
The Quickness
The Quickness Drink One Glass of Wine

Jul 15 2024 | 00:51:44


Show Notes

One glass. Two cheeks.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: I doubt you've seen this, but you've probably seen press of Jerry Seinfeld going around doing pop tart stuff for the pop tart movie unfrosted. [00:00:09] Speaker B: No, I mean, I. No, please don't make me talk about Jerry Seinfeld. [00:00:15] Speaker A: I mean, I love Seinfeld. Probably top five show for sure. Maybe top three. [00:00:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:00:23] Speaker A: And so I get a kick out of seeing him in, like, the news circles right now. Cause he's making his rounds. He's on, like, every podcast. He's on every. He's on, like, Kelly Clarkson. I don't know if he's on the view, but it feels like he's doing daytime, he's doing nighttime, he's doing podcasts, and it's fun to see him out there. And he looks great. He's 70 years old. Yeah, he looks pretty good. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Well, I mean, if you inject enough infant serum, you can look incredible. The man has the money. [00:00:55] Speaker A: What is his routine? He does have the money. He's got quite a bit of money. [00:00:58] Speaker B: Yeah, he's got that Seinfeld money. [00:01:00] Speaker A: The. The movie is. [00:01:01] Speaker B: You've seen it? [00:01:02] Speaker A: I did. I. I enjoyed it. [00:01:05] Speaker B: Yeah. But I don't have Netflix. It's on Netflix, right? [00:01:09] Speaker A: Netflix. [00:01:09] Speaker B: No, I canceled it. [00:01:11] Speaker A: That's the default streaming service. What's wrong with you? [00:01:13] Speaker B: I canceled it in solidarity. [00:01:16] Speaker A: Oh. Yeah. [00:01:17] Speaker B: With my wallet. [00:01:18] Speaker A: Oh. I was like, is Netflix on the bad side of history? [00:01:23] Speaker B: Um, no, but I didn't really like the way. I don't really like the way they treat creators, and I don't, uh. Also, I don't want to spend $18 a month for a subscription I can't share. [00:01:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Now they. Yeah, it's true. [00:01:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:35] Speaker A: I've been paying for my parents. My family's Netflix at my parents house. [00:01:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:42] Speaker A: Since I got. Since I switched from the physical dvd's to streaming. [00:01:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:01:48] Speaker A: And that's just gone up and up and up and up. And then I was paying, like, whatever the super premium one was, so that way we can watch in multiple rooms. But now they did the whole. They did the whole. You can't share with if you're not the same household. And so now I'm paying for, like, two. [00:02:04] Speaker B: I just missed the days when, like, media companies were scared of us. [00:02:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:02:09] Speaker C: They're like, please don't steal. [00:02:11] Speaker A: Long gone. [00:02:12] Speaker C: Well, we'll give it to you for free. [00:02:13] Speaker A: Well, now I don't know what the price point is. Did you hear about this next merger? [00:02:18] Speaker B: Another merger? [00:02:19] Speaker A: Well, there's a merger. They're on the precipice of a merger with Sony. Skydance. Skydance and Sony are trying to buy Paramount and I'm assuming absorb Paramount plus and turn it into something else. [00:02:32] Speaker B: What the. [00:02:33] Speaker A: That's happening. And then it was just announced, like a few days ago that hulu. Hulu. Disneyland and HBO, Max. Now just Macs are creating a bundle. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Jesus Christ. [00:02:47] Speaker A: Yeah, the streaming wars. The piss song. [00:02:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, merge, gotta merge. Merging, merging. [00:03:00] Speaker A: It's an emergency. [00:03:01] Speaker D: Look at me, I'm watching tv. But the question remains, what will I be streaming? Oh, will it be Disney plus? Will it be emo Max? Give me this, give me that notes. Give me all the facts. [00:03:14] Speaker C: You do that hulu, that voodoo so well, I've been thinking to myself, what is that funky smell? I think it's the smell of mergers straight up in the morn. I want the same company making everything that makes porn. I want to get all my stuff from one place. Give me Coca Cola and Pepsi from one place. Give me every single thing with one fucking face. I want the same company telling me how to bayong. [00:03:40] Speaker D: I don't want anything separate. [00:03:42] Speaker A: You see, when it comes to my. [00:03:44] Speaker D: Products, I want a monopoly. Just one company owning everything so I can bow down and pray to that. [00:03:52] Speaker C: Thing like, yeah, I'm praying to them like they're gone. [00:03:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:03:58] Speaker C: Only want the one of them. They are like a fucking dominating the market. [00:04:04] Speaker B: And nobody can tell them nah. [00:04:06] Speaker D: To a noob, it may seem sadistic, but when I pray I'm monotheistic, I. [00:04:13] Speaker B: Pray to one God, the God of commerce. [00:04:16] Speaker C: They give it to me, mama, please give me more. [00:04:19] Speaker B: Oh, mama, daddy, please give me the company. [00:04:22] Speaker C: I just want one company to tell. [00:04:24] Speaker B: Me how I should be. I want you to set the price and tell me what to pay. No competition. [00:04:30] Speaker C: No, no, baby, please don't go away. [00:04:32] Speaker D: $200 a month goes to streaming. $200 a month goes to streaming. [00:04:39] Speaker C: 200 more go to grocerying. [00:04:43] Speaker D: Yo. I hope that Ralph's can be owned by HBO Max. Yeah. [00:04:49] Speaker C: Na, na. [00:04:51] Speaker B: I hope that HBO Max can be owned by Skydonce. [00:04:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:04:56] Speaker C: Yeah. I want. I want Hulu and Netflix and all of them under one company. And we'll call it. Call it cable plus. [00:05:04] Speaker B: Love that shit. [00:05:05] Speaker C: Yeah. I want every company telling me and they're owned by Musk. [00:05:10] Speaker D: Yeah, Musk. Make my car, make my shows, make my grocery, and even make my hoes. Make the women that I see. And hopefully one day these companies will merge with me. [00:05:24] Speaker C: I want to be a company. [00:05:25] Speaker A: I want to be a company. [00:05:27] Speaker B: I want to be a company. I don't want to be accompanied. I want to be accompanied. [00:05:33] Speaker D: Merge with this. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Yeah, that is how it feels. Just one fricking company and then them, like, setting grocery prices and stuff. Long live the proletariat. [00:05:45] Speaker A: Never. I'm with big business. [00:05:47] Speaker B: Ugh. Yeah, I forgot. Well, yeah. You keep trying to get us sponsored by Amazon prime. [00:05:52] Speaker D: Yes. [00:05:52] Speaker A: Please. Please, Bezos. [00:05:54] Speaker C: Please, Bezos. Please. [00:05:56] Speaker D: Please, Bezos. Papa. [00:05:58] Speaker B: Pesos, man. [00:06:01] Speaker A: Bezos. Share your pesos. [00:06:03] Speaker B: That's pretty good. [00:06:04] Speaker C: You come up with that? [00:06:05] Speaker B: Oh, you saw that on a meme. [00:06:06] Speaker A: I have not seen that, but it has to exist. [00:06:08] Speaker B: Pesos. Share your pesos. [00:06:09] Speaker A: Yeah, it's gotta exist. [00:06:11] Speaker B: Musk. Share your money. [00:06:13] Speaker A: Musk. Show your trust. [00:06:16] Speaker B: Trust fund. Yeah. [00:06:21] Speaker A: If you had to. If you had to sell your soul to a big old company, who do you think you would choose? [00:06:28] Speaker B: If I had to sell my soul to a company. [00:06:30] Speaker A: One company. [00:06:31] Speaker B: And. You mean sell them my soul? They own my soul. [00:06:37] Speaker A: They'll own your music. They'll own any ip you create. You know how people have deals, or overall deals? Yeah, overall deals. [00:06:44] Speaker B: Oh. I mean, it's the dream of every young musician to be acquired by Universal Music. [00:06:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Ooh. [00:06:51] Speaker B: Universal, if I'm lucky, a subsidiary of Universal Music will take a shinin to little old me and give me an advance of $2 million. [00:07:01] Speaker A: Ooh. [00:07:01] Speaker B: Okay. An advance is just a loan musicians make against their own earnings. [00:07:07] Speaker A: Wait, is that true? [00:07:08] Speaker B: Yes, that's all an advance is. Music companies don't give you money. They just loan you your own money in advance. [00:07:15] Speaker A: So let's say they give you two mil, you come up with, like, an album, and it. [00:07:20] Speaker B: Yeah. The only thing is, if it flops, you don't have to give it back. [00:07:23] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. That's what I was. Yeah, that's what I was. [00:07:25] Speaker C: But. [00:07:25] Speaker B: But that's why they don't take chances if they think you're gonna flop. And why advances are very rare. And why advances of large amounts are very rare. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Damn. [00:07:32] Speaker B: You know who does have to give the money back? Authors. [00:07:35] Speaker A: Really? [00:07:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:36] Speaker A: When your book doesn't sell. [00:07:37] Speaker B: When Penguin buys your book and gives you a million dollars for it. If your book doesn't sell a million dollars worth of copies, you have to give the money back at that point. It's like, why am I even. Why do I even have a relationship with you? [00:07:49] Speaker A: That's scandalous and, like. [00:07:50] Speaker B: And the terms of the loan are terrible. They're, like, worse than a loan you would get because they take way more. They take, like, half. It's like, I could just get a loan for a million dollars and it would cost less. Wow, that is my hot take. The publishing industry is corrupt. [00:08:05] Speaker A: Yeah, dude. [00:08:06] Speaker B: And the music industry is corrupt. [00:08:08] Speaker A: What? Okay, quick. Name an industry that's not corrupt. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Oh. [00:08:16] Speaker A: Fuck. [00:08:18] Speaker B: Oh. Most of the public sector. Well, like public parks, but that's because they're so defunded. There's no money to put into corruption. [00:08:26] Speaker A: That's fair. You don't hear people trying to lobby to make a park better? [00:08:32] Speaker B: Not really, no. I mean, you do see like, you know, pork bill. Pork added to bills of, like, we want to add 200 million for Montana's public parks or whatever, but I'm for it. I think we should spend more money on parks. I'm fine with park money. [00:08:45] Speaker A: Yeah, you know what? I'm fine with park money. Yeah, park money's beautiful. Beautify this place. [00:08:55] Speaker B: I love parks, man. [00:08:56] Speaker C: Yeah, just a lovely day in a park. [00:09:00] Speaker A: Beautiful trees, beautiful breeze. [00:09:05] Speaker C: Christmastime. Or anytime. [00:09:10] Speaker D: Yeah, Halloween time. [00:09:12] Speaker A: You know what? [00:09:13] Speaker C: Or any time. Business time or anytime. I'm good all the time as long as I'm in the park. [00:09:27] Speaker D: I had an idea. I just had a spark. [00:09:30] Speaker A: Why don't we have a nice picnic at a park? [00:09:32] Speaker D: I get the blanket, you get the chips. [00:09:35] Speaker A: And in the part time, this will. [00:09:37] Speaker C: Be the shit seeing numerous. Yeah, I wanna see the numerous flora and the fauna. Yeah. Name them all by name, knowing what they're called. [00:09:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that's my game. [00:09:49] Speaker D: Ooh, it's so easy and breezy when I'm walking amongst the tree, z. [00:09:56] Speaker C: It's so breezy and easy when I'm walking around the tree z. I love the way it feels when I'm in the park. I feel my soul is real. Oh, I love it, I love it in the fucking park. [00:10:11] Speaker A: I love it in the fucking park. [00:10:12] Speaker C: Just don't stay after dark when you're at the park. [00:10:18] Speaker A: A creepy dude's come on out. [00:10:23] Speaker C: There's a man who wants. There's a man who wants to talk to you after dark. He's got literature at the park. He wants you for Jesus. He'll save your soul. You're like, maybe not right now, my g, my bow. [00:10:37] Speaker D: There's an old man that'll try him to win you at a game of chess. [00:10:42] Speaker C: And there's an old man who sees this. He wants to flash you his flaccid penis. But the park during the day is so great. [00:10:53] Speaker D: During the day. [00:10:54] Speaker C: I love being at the park as long as the sun is up in the sky, the sun's shine away I love being in the park. It feels so good. Yeah, it's alright. [00:11:04] Speaker A: Yes, alright. [00:11:06] Speaker C: But baby, don't say it. The park at night. [00:11:09] Speaker D: Oh, no, no, no. [00:11:10] Speaker A: Uh oh. [00:11:11] Speaker D: What a beautiful day this has been. But, oh, shit, it just hit 06:00. [00:11:16] Speaker C: P.M. what a beautiful day, my friend. But I think that the day is coming to an end. Cause there are people everywhere. They're in the bush. Wanna show you their anal tush. Trying to flash you, trying to say. [00:11:31] Speaker B: Stay at the park. Don't just stay in the day. [00:11:33] Speaker A: At the park, you could see it. [00:11:35] Speaker D: All at the park, you can see. [00:11:38] Speaker C: Some old man's balls at the park. You can do anything. You can see his dick as it starts to swing. The park during the day is good, good. [00:11:51] Speaker B: It's true. Man, when that sun starts to setting, I started getting out of there. [00:11:56] Speaker A: It's so real. [00:11:58] Speaker B: At least in LA. I mean, maybe people, small town parks, you can just chill. As a kid, when I was in. When I was a kid, I got caught after dark smoking weed in a park by a cop. [00:12:10] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:12:11] Speaker B: And they let me off. White privilege. [00:12:14] Speaker A: Wow. They let you off? I was in a park after dark. This is true. Yeah, I got arrested. Yeah, well, I wasn't even smoking weed. Had no drugs on me. [00:12:25] Speaker B: You got arrested and you weren't even smoking weed? [00:12:28] Speaker A: Wasn't even smoking weed. [00:12:29] Speaker B: I think they might not have. We smelled like weed, but I don't think they found weed on us. [00:12:33] Speaker A: See it? [00:12:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:34] Speaker A: They're like, you could have been holding the bag in a bag labeled weed. [00:12:38] Speaker B: And they would have been like a. [00:12:38] Speaker A: Little shiny white kid. [00:12:39] Speaker B: Yeah, it seems like a nice young man. They called my parents. [00:12:43] Speaker A: Did they? [00:12:43] Speaker B: Yeah. And my parents had to come and pick me up. [00:12:46] Speaker A: Were your parents pissed? [00:12:48] Speaker B: Not that pissed. [00:12:49] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:12:49] Speaker B: They were like. I mean, I was like a pretty nose to the grindstone, straight a kid, so they were like, what's going on? I was like, this was literally my first time ever doing anything like this. And it was. Yeah. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Was it because we were so stupid. [00:13:02] Speaker B: We just like, were in like a park inside of a gated community. As if imagining that, like, cops, no. [00:13:11] Speaker A: One could see us. [00:13:12] Speaker B: Yeah, no one can see us. It's like we're fully lit. Like, I just didn't know how to be bad cause it was my first time. [00:13:19] Speaker A: What be bad? Were your friends, like, egging you? Like, did you know about weed? I'm so curious about your relationship. Like, I knew about weed. Did you know it was bad? Were you like, I want to do it were you doing this to try to be cool? Was there a girl involved? [00:13:32] Speaker B: There was a girl, and there was a. Actually, it could have been so bad, because if they had wanted to throw the book at us, and if they had known we had weed, they could have, like, said, I was, like, distributing to a minor because I was an adult, legally. And the girl that was with us, you were 35? I was 35 years old. She was 16, I think. [00:13:49] Speaker A: Oh, God. [00:13:50] Speaker B: Yeah. But she was really mature. She was, like, super mature for her age. No, I was, like, 18. I think she was 16 or 17. And, yeah, she was there, and my friend was there, and we all got caught. [00:14:07] Speaker D: Wow. [00:14:07] Speaker B: Yeah. And they were just like, huh. Look at this adorable collection of white teenagers. [00:14:13] Speaker A: As an ex stoner, I found myself in some very precarious situations in trying to obtain marijuana. Believe it or not, folks, marijuana used to be a little bit difficult to come by. [00:14:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:28] Speaker A: You had to know, like, a dealer before you could just go to a shop that looked like a candy store and just pick out any weed from the shelf. You had to, like, contact a guy who knew a guy and then maybe meet at their house, their shady ass house in a neighborhood you didn't agree with. [00:14:45] Speaker B: Do you miss it? [00:14:48] Speaker A: I miss. There is a certain allure to the early days, because just the sensation of smoking was newer, and it had this subculture that now it's so commercialized that it's a little bit different. Do I miss going to weird people's houses or meeting in parking lots? Absolutely not. But there was something magical about, oh, I actually got good weed this time. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Right. You know, but this is better. [00:15:18] Speaker A: What's better now? [00:15:19] Speaker B: Now? [00:15:20] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, without a doubt. It's so easy now to just show your id and then get some gummies. I mean, also gummies and edibles in general, way more regulated now, before, you. [00:15:34] Speaker B: Didn'T know what you were getting. [00:15:35] Speaker D: You had no idea what you were getting. [00:15:36] Speaker A: And sometimes it'd be so strong. Did not like messing around with edibles back in the day. [00:15:42] Speaker B: Right. Cause you had no idea what you were getting. [00:15:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Now you love it now. It's fantastic. But what I will say is there's a different vibe. There's like. And some of these stores still exist. You have here, like, Willy Wonka branded amazing weed shops now that have, like, trinkets and doodads and gadgets galore, and the schnozberries taste like schnozberries. But then you have these little, dank, barely legal, questionably legal, right? Holes in the wall with you see that little greenhouse cross. [00:16:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:15] Speaker A: And it's dark, and it's some scary dude that asks for your id. And I was like, yo. Sup? First time? And you're like, yes. All right, hold up. And then they, like, go through the whole process, and it's so funny to me. Then you get inside, and it's like, literally weed in jars. Like, mason jars. [00:16:38] Speaker B: Where did this come from? They're like, man. [00:16:40] Speaker A: Yo, man, we got the plug. [00:16:43] Speaker B: It's like, the plug. You're regulated. You should be able to tell me what farm this came from. Sir. [00:16:49] Speaker A: There's a super. Usually a very, very high girl in the back that's like. You ask a question, like, yeah, so is this sativa or indica? [00:16:57] Speaker B: She's like, it's great. [00:16:59] Speaker A: I don't know, but it'll get you fucked up. Great. That's all I need. [00:17:04] Speaker B: Every girl I've ever spoken to in a weed shop was, like, really nice and absolutely useless. So nice. So friendly. I mean, I've been into a reach out, like, five times in my life, so I don't have a ton to, I admit. But, like, there's always, like, a very hot girl at the counter who's like, yeah, yeah. [00:17:28] Speaker A: Always, like, so high, and they don't have. They don't. They can't answer any of your questions. [00:17:35] Speaker B: Purple? Yeah, it'll make you feel, like, high and kind of purple. Yeah, it's like, cool. Thanks. You're like, oh, as a highly anxious person, this is helpful. [00:17:46] Speaker A: This is great for me. Which one of these is good? Do you like. Is this one pretty smooth? Yeah, it's pretty good. What about this one? Is. [00:17:54] Speaker C: This one is pretty smooth? [00:17:56] Speaker A: Yeah, it's pretty good. [00:17:58] Speaker B: Would you say there are any in here that aren't smooth? [00:18:00] Speaker A: Um. Hang on. Amanda? [00:18:04] Speaker B: Yeah? [00:18:05] Speaker A: Is there any weed in here that's bad? [00:18:09] Speaker B: No, girl. [00:18:11] Speaker D: No. [00:18:11] Speaker A: They're all pretty good. [00:18:13] Speaker B: Cool, cool. I'm glad you're an employee here to help me through the selection process. Cause otherwise I might just pick something at random and have no idea what I'm getting. [00:18:24] Speaker A: Yeah, my ex boyfriend hooked it up. [00:18:26] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, of course. [00:18:30] Speaker C: And he's still here? [00:18:31] Speaker A: Yeah, he's the guy in the front. [00:18:33] Speaker B: Yeah, he's the bouncer guy. Cool. And my. And honestly, my ass would be like, can I get your number? Like, I think I got a shot. Like, I kind of like your tattoos. [00:18:46] Speaker A: Thanks. [00:18:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:48] Speaker A: Then you have to walk past the dude and who mean mugs you. [00:18:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:18:52] Speaker A: At the end. [00:18:53] Speaker B: And I'm like, you like apples? I didn't get her number. How about them apples? [00:19:00] Speaker A: Yeah, dog. Everybody in here knows good will hunting. [00:19:04] Speaker B: He's ahead of me. Yeah, dog. We all fuck with good will hunting. [00:19:08] Speaker A: We watch it on our breaks. I'm a mathematician. [00:19:14] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:19:19] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:19:19] Speaker B: You doing complex math? Love to sit back and do complex math. When the ganja hits, I go somewhere. [00:19:32] Speaker A: Let me tell you what's important to me. Smoking good trees and doing trigonometry. [00:19:38] Speaker B: Let me tell you what's important to me. Smoking good trees, doing geometry. [00:19:45] Speaker A: What's one plus one? A puff or two? [00:19:51] Speaker C: What's three plus three? What's me and you? [00:19:57] Speaker B: Girl? [00:19:57] Speaker C: I don't need to know every bit of math in the book. [00:20:02] Speaker B: I take a look with my third eye, I see that I am that guy. [00:20:07] Speaker A: I can solve for x or I. [00:20:09] Speaker D: Can solve for y. Or I could take a long rip. [00:20:12] Speaker A: And look at the sky. [00:20:13] Speaker C: I could solve for t or solve for mh. But that'll never bring you back to me again. Yeah. And all these tears that I cry. I count them up like three, four, five. Yeah, that's the math I do. It's the math of me. It's the math of you. [00:20:31] Speaker D: So please excuse my dear aunt Sally. [00:20:38] Speaker C: Please excuse my dear aunt Sally. Pemdas on that ass. I love to feel it when we fuck fast. I'm like three, four, couple more strokes, you're my girl. [00:20:56] Speaker D: Everybody knows I love to push, especially when I'm high on that indica cush. [00:21:02] Speaker C: Yeah, the indica sativa as well. [00:21:05] Speaker B: When I'm not high, math is like. [00:21:06] Speaker C: A living hell on your boobies, you. [00:21:09] Speaker A: Know I'll press when I'm high off that pineapple again express. [00:21:14] Speaker C: Yeah, I love pressing on them movies, girl. Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. This mad stuff's right up my alley. But please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. [00:21:43] Speaker D: Please excuse her, yeah. [00:21:46] Speaker C: When I think that this mat's got me straight, right on the brink, I solve for I the imaginary number. Cause when I'm smoking, I feel asunder. I disappear into my ego, ego death. Yeah. Now how we go everywhere. I am nothing and everything, that's real math. Yeah. You know as I sing without you. [00:22:09] Speaker D: Girl, I'm just a mandeh masturbator. But with this puff of weed, I don't need no calculator. [00:22:19] Speaker B: Yeah. I love when the beat goes on. I know the beat's gone, and it's just like. I don't need the beat. [00:22:27] Speaker A: Fuck it. [00:22:28] Speaker C: Fuck the beat. [00:22:29] Speaker A: The beat needs me, the beat needs me. [00:22:31] Speaker D: I don't need the beat. [00:22:31] Speaker C: I don't need the beat. [00:22:32] Speaker B: The beat needs me. [00:22:33] Speaker A: Take a pic of my. No, take a text of my pissed. [00:22:38] Speaker C: I'm not sure that's gonna make it. [00:22:39] Speaker B: In the episode, so that might be very confusing. [00:22:41] Speaker A: A weird non sequitur like, yo, Jack is on. Is he high right now? [00:22:46] Speaker B: Earlier, there was a bit about text. My piss. [00:22:48] Speaker A: I swear, it really was. Was it funny to us? [00:22:51] Speaker B: It was. [00:22:57] Speaker A: It was hilarious to us. [00:22:59] Speaker B: Some shit's like that, man. You get in a giggly mood, anything's funny. [00:23:02] Speaker A: I'm really giggly right now. That last song was really stupid. [00:23:09] Speaker B: One time. Next time we should get high and try. [00:23:12] Speaker A: Oh, my God. We'll try it at least once. [00:23:15] Speaker B: At least once. [00:23:15] Speaker A: I have a. Nowadays, I get really weird anxiety if I have to perform high. [00:23:20] Speaker B: Yeah, but we can delete it if it's bad. [00:23:22] Speaker A: Yeah, if it's bad, we can. Yeah. Cause I'm like, oh, my God, what's gonna happen? Can I think? [00:23:29] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I. But before, I used to be a weed guy. Now I never drank. I was really. I actually had a very structured relationship with food for a long time, and that included alcohol. Because in my head, if I had a drink of alcohol, my voice would dry up and I would never sing. Like, I'd never be a good singer again, which doesn't make sense, but that's what you do when you're, like, eating and drinking in a disordered way. You're just, like, highly anxious and you're trying to have control over everything. So now I have, like, a nice little drink with dinner, and it's great. [00:23:58] Speaker A: I do enjoy the occasional drink. I used to be big on weed. I probably. Let's see. I'm trying to think, which one do I do more now? I mean, there was a time where you probably would talk to me, and I was probably high at that moment. [00:24:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:14] Speaker A: Which is crazy. [00:24:15] Speaker B: Wow. [00:24:15] Speaker A: Like, not my current job, but previous jobs. [00:24:20] Speaker B: Yeah, it was okay. [00:24:22] Speaker A: Like, you know, working at major theme parks. Just out of my mind. Blitz, like, sunglasses on. I remember I used to have more. It makes me laugh. It's probably bad. It's whatever. It's over ten years ago. But I would go to the morning meeting because I always had opening shifts, and I'd be indoors with my ray ban sunglasses. I smoked in the work parking lot. [00:24:47] Speaker B: You probably smelled like the inside of a bomb. [00:24:51] Speaker A: Well, I had a solution for that, sir. It was called Febreze, and she just didn't. Burberry cologne. Yeah. So you have, you know, you smoke it, and you make sure you blow it out the window, and then before you leave, you febreze down and you put cologne on. [00:25:07] Speaker B: Did that work? No one. [00:25:09] Speaker A: I mean. [00:25:10] Speaker B: Or was it just understood that everyone there was probably high to get through the day? I mean, I assume everyone operating a roller coaster is high. [00:25:18] Speaker A: I'm so curious if people. I mean, people who knew me knew I talked to managers, and they never said anything. [00:25:25] Speaker B: Right. [00:25:25] Speaker A: And it was at that point, too, like, when I was smoking so much, I probably was more normal when I was high than when I was not. Oh, wow. [00:25:33] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:25:34] Speaker A: So, yeah, because, I mean, highly, as I got older and then I had some therapy, I realized that, like, oh, I was doing that as a coping mechanism. Like, I'm a pretty highly anxious person, and I think that just mellowed me out and kind of numbed me. Numbed me up. [00:25:50] Speaker B: But now you're more temperate. [00:25:51] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I think I'm better faking it now without being high. [00:25:56] Speaker B: Okay. No, I just meant, like, now your relationship to it is, like, a couple puffs or, like, a glass of wine. [00:26:01] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was never extreme with drinking. [00:26:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:07] Speaker A: Especially when I was younger. I did not like drinking. Cause I was too out of control. Because I remember the first time I ever drank. Cause I did not drink in high school. So once I moved out of the house and I was at this party, and I drank and I smoked, too, both for the first time at the same crossfaded. Crossfaded for the first time, and I was, like, first time ever smoking, first time ever drinking, and I passed out, and I was in the bushes. Ooh, yeah. [00:26:33] Speaker B: That's classic. [00:26:34] Speaker A: It's pretty ridiculous. And everybody made fun of me for, like, a long time. [00:26:38] Speaker B: Um. Yo, what's up? [00:26:43] Speaker C: It's a Friday night. [00:26:45] Speaker B: I'm about to have something crazy. [00:26:48] Speaker C: One glass of wine. Ah. One glass of wine. One glass of wine. How'd I have a good time? [00:26:59] Speaker B: One, maybe one. [00:26:59] Speaker C: One and a half glasses of wine. [00:27:01] Speaker D: Whoa. Oh, my God. Pour it fast. Go ahead. Put that cabernet. Ya. My glass. [00:27:07] Speaker C: Yes. Ivy en blanc. I like the wrong when it feels inside my belly. I'm like this stonk. [00:27:11] Speaker D: Hey, Philip, what you say? Go ahead and pour me some rose. [00:27:16] Speaker C: Yeah, but not all three. These are three different nights. Because, as I said, I am having just one glass of wine. Give it to me like, one glass of wine. One glass of wine. That's how. That's how you have a real good night. Pass me the joint. I take one puff, and I put it kind of far from my lips, so that a lot of air gets in there, too. That's a way my head doesn't really get screwed. [00:27:42] Speaker D: I like more. So the weed taste, I don't need that in my lungs. You don't have to be close. Matter of fact, get away from me. [00:27:51] Speaker C: Get away from me, bruh. Don't you know I'm hella anxious, yeah. When I have all this bang shit. Yeah, it's delicious. But I like the taste. I don't want that tit getting straight up my mind, my face. [00:28:02] Speaker D: Sometimes weed makes me lag. So I just like to smoke on this swag. You know, the crumbs in the bag. Some stuff that'll really, really last. [00:28:12] Speaker C: One glass of wines. All at one. One glass of wine. [00:28:17] Speaker A: One. [00:28:17] Speaker C: One glass of wine. One, maybe one and a half glasses of wine. [00:28:22] Speaker D: Yeah, one glass of wine. Next thing you know, we're both entwined. [00:28:27] Speaker C: Yeah. You also had one glass of wine. Inhibitions down, but not by that much. Yeah. So I know this consent. Yeah, it feels good. When we get under the tent of the pillows and the blankets that we make. Here we go. One glass of wine. Now we're ready to flow. [00:28:43] Speaker D: We start to rug. [00:28:45] Speaker A: Cause actually we're just a little tiny bit buzz. [00:28:48] Speaker C: Just a little buzz. Just a little fady. Yeah. Yeah. You know you're my baby. But once again, one glass. Once again, I'm spanking on your one ass once again. When it comes through past one glass of wines, all it takes to get me, gasped. [00:29:03] Speaker D: One glass, two cheeks. This weed really reeks. Just take one puff. One glass. One puff is enough. [00:29:13] Speaker C: One glass of wine. One glass of wine. That's how I know how to have a good time with one glass of wine. [00:29:22] Speaker B: Give it to me now. [00:29:24] Speaker D: Give it to me now. [00:29:27] Speaker A: Give it to me now. [00:29:29] Speaker D: Give it to me now. Give it to me now. [00:29:34] Speaker C: For all those out there having more than one glass of wine, cool it the fuck off. [00:29:41] Speaker D: What the hell do you think that you're doing? [00:29:44] Speaker C: One. One. One glass of wine. [00:29:48] Speaker D: When I go wine tasting, there's no need to be hasty. Just give me a thimbleful. Cause eventually it'll add up to one glass. [00:29:58] Speaker C: One glass. Yeah. I'm basted. Yeah. Don't you know? I mostly like the taste, bruh. Yeah. [00:30:04] Speaker B: I don't need a lot in my ass. I don't need all that shit filling up in my glass. [00:30:08] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:30:09] Speaker B: Sauvignon blanc. [00:30:11] Speaker C: Give me that rose. [00:30:12] Speaker B: Yeah. You know what I want. [00:30:14] Speaker D: Don't be a boar. Pour me a little pinot noir noir. [00:30:18] Speaker C: Pinot noir. It gets so far. Don't pour me more than one glass of the bar. [00:30:26] Speaker A: One glass. That's fun. [00:30:30] Speaker B: That beat went hard as fuck. [00:30:33] Speaker A: It went so hard. Which is perfect for one glass of wine. [00:30:37] Speaker D: Damn. [00:30:39] Speaker B: That is what I do, though. I just kind of have the one glass. And because I'm a lightweight, literally and metaphorically, I don't need anymore. [00:30:47] Speaker D: Fair. [00:30:47] Speaker A: You know what? I never considered myself to be a whiskey guy, but then I was in. I got the opportunity to go to Sundance one time, and it's so cold that everybody. All they do is, like, drink at night. I don't know about everybody, but the crew I was rolling with. All they did was drink at night. And then you got. You went from, like, party to party, and every party had, like, its alcohol that it was featuring. [00:31:09] Speaker B: Huh. [00:31:10] Speaker A: And so we ended up going to this whiskey bar that had all of these whiskeys, and they were all for free. [00:31:15] Speaker B: This was during Sundance? [00:31:16] Speaker A: This was during Sundance. [00:31:17] Speaker B: Wow. [00:31:17] Speaker A: This was, like, night two of Sundance. [00:31:19] Speaker B: Wow. [00:31:20] Speaker A: And it was so much fun. [00:31:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:23] Speaker A: Because everybody was just like, you know, everybody was on the same plane. Cause everybody's like, no one has. No one's driving. [00:31:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:29] Speaker A: No one's, like, has to go home. Home. Everybody's, like, essentially on vacation, just watching movies all day. So at night they turned up, and. [00:31:37] Speaker B: Pretty fun. [00:31:37] Speaker A: It was so much fun. And it kind of made me a whiskey guy. I kinda like whiskey now. [00:31:42] Speaker B: All from Sundance. [00:31:43] Speaker A: That's what kind of sparked it. [00:31:44] Speaker C: Sundance made me a whiskey guy. [00:31:47] Speaker B: I didn't want it before. Now it's flydeh. Never thought it'd be something I would try, but Sundance made me a whiskey guy. Yee ha. [00:31:58] Speaker A: Now I'm drinking a whole whiskey fly. [00:32:01] Speaker B: Is it called a whiskey fly? [00:32:02] Speaker A: Oh, whiskey flight. You know what I mean? All the different ones. But, yeah, it was crazy. They just have these different tables set up, and it's very dim lighting, and you just go up, and there's, like, somebody there, like, oh, yeah, this is our smoky, hazy. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is our dry, Kentucky, skippity skippy scap. This is more of a scotch. Scotch mcDopperson. [00:32:24] Speaker B: You know, the last time I had whiskey, I almost died. [00:32:29] Speaker A: Oh, my lord. [00:32:31] Speaker B: I was at the Edinburgh fringe festival performing. [00:32:33] Speaker D: Oh, yes. [00:32:34] Speaker A: That's right. [00:32:34] Speaker B: And someone brought out this aged scottish whiskey and was, like, gave everyone a shot. And we were at the bar after the show, and I had never tried whiskey before, I don't think. Not much of a drinker. And I was like, all right, we're all doing it. I felt a little bit of pressure, and I was like, okay, I'm gonna do it. So I took the shot, and I was like, ah, that's a lot. And then I could not breathe. [00:33:00] Speaker A: Holy. [00:33:01] Speaker B: And I went like. And my friends were like, yeah, it's crazy, right? It's strong. And to this day, I'm not really sure if it was, like, shock. Like, I don't know what happened. [00:33:17] Speaker A: Maybe it went down the wrong pipe as well. [00:33:18] Speaker B: Maybe it was, like, a little bit of that. A little bit of the shock of, like, trying whiskey for the first time or, like, strong whiskey for the first time. And I. Yeah, yeah, scotch. [00:33:28] Speaker A: I mean, that. That's so. That's the place where it's. [00:33:30] Speaker B: I'm, like, choking, and I'm like, oh, my God, I'm gonna die from drinking whiskey. This is so fucking nerdy. Like, this is so lame. What? [00:33:38] Speaker A: Amazing. [00:33:39] Speaker B: What a lame way to die. I'm like, okay, well, here I go. [00:33:43] Speaker D: This guy took so much scotch that he died. [00:33:46] Speaker B: He died. Hey, everyone remember the tale? Oh, my God. Yeah, so I. And then eventually, people started to be like, oh, my God, he's choking. And so someone, like, ran off, like, to get help, and someone came, and. [00:34:03] Speaker A: I'm like, do they get the bartender? [00:34:04] Speaker D: What, do they get? [00:34:05] Speaker B: Kind of, like, fading backwards. And, like, I can feel my vision starting to black out after about 30 seconds. And I'm trying to stay calm, but I'm like, never. The crazy thing is, like, when this is happening, everyone's just looking at. [00:34:16] Speaker A: Yeah, they, like, they're in shock. [00:34:17] Speaker B: Can do anything. It's not like I have, like, I don't need the Heimlich, right? I'm not choking on anything except, like, my throat just, like, closed up from the whiskey. The inflammation, I guess. And so I just, like, can't breathe, and I'm just, like, looking at everybody. I'm. My vision's blacking out. I'm like, oh, God. I'm like, it was not. I didn't. My life didn't flash before my eyes. I just, like, was like, oh, God, I'm gonna die. What? [00:34:39] Speaker A: The only thing that flashed before your eyes was the moment that you took. [00:34:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, man, I wish I hadn't done that. That's what I'm thinking. What a stupid way to go, is what I'm thinking. Then someone rushes over, they have an epi pen, and I'm like. And I'm think, like, he's like, I don't know. I just have an epipen. And, like, they keep that behind the bar. Right? Because that's the most common. So they're, like, about to administer this. They're, like, pulling out this epi pen to give it to me. [00:35:02] Speaker A: What? [00:35:03] Speaker B: And then I just, like. I kind of, like. Like, I just kind of go, like, Philip, you're freaking out. And I just was like, ugh. And I tried to, like, breathe out really hard. [00:35:14] Speaker C: Like. [00:35:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:16] Speaker B: And then I could take, like, the shallowest breath of, like. And then slowly, like, my vision cleared, and I just. I could breathe again. [00:35:25] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:35:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:27] Speaker A: So have you had whiskey since? [00:35:29] Speaker B: Yes, I have, actually. [00:35:30] Speaker A: Okay. [00:35:30] Speaker B: And every single time, I completely put my flag out. No, I have had it, and I like it, but I definitely don't search it out. [00:35:40] Speaker A: No, no, that's fair. [00:35:43] Speaker B: I like a hot toddy. [00:35:44] Speaker A: Hot toddy. You know, I'm not a hot toddy. [00:35:46] Speaker B: I love a hot toddy. Cause it combines all my favorite things. Like, I love just, like, hot honey water. [00:35:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:35:51] Speaker B: Pretty weird. [00:35:52] Speaker A: I'll mess with some hot honey water. [00:35:53] Speaker B: But you won't mess with a hot tod. [00:35:55] Speaker A: I don't like warm alcohol. [00:35:57] Speaker B: Oh, I love it. It's actually my favorite. So warming and calming. Love it. [00:36:01] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:02] Speaker B: Sometimes I'll take one on a walk. [00:36:04] Speaker A: Really? [00:36:04] Speaker B: Yeah, on a cool night. [00:36:06] Speaker A: Wow. Okay. [00:36:07] Speaker B: Cool summer night. Take a hot todd on the walk. Just me and my todd. [00:36:12] Speaker A: Just me and my tod. [00:36:14] Speaker B: Just me and my todd. [00:36:16] Speaker A: That's interesting. [00:36:17] Speaker C: Is it? [00:36:20] Speaker A: I gotta keep it. [00:36:20] Speaker B: It's pretty cool. [00:36:21] Speaker A: I gotta keep it cool. You know what I've been liking as I've gotten older is a dirty martini. Keep it filthy with a twist. [00:36:29] Speaker B: I don't even know what. That my alcohol understanding is so low. Like, can you teach me something about alcohol? [00:36:39] Speaker A: Sure. [00:36:39] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. [00:36:40] Speaker A: I could try. [00:36:42] Speaker B: Wait, did we do this? I think we did. [00:36:45] Speaker A: I think we did that one. [00:36:46] Speaker B: Okay. I can't keep track of these. [00:36:48] Speaker A: It's tough. There's a lot going on over there. [00:36:51] Speaker B: Let's try this. It's a little rock and rolling. [00:36:54] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:55] Speaker C: All right. [00:36:56] Speaker B: Little something about liquor. And I'll tell you my questions. [00:36:58] Speaker A: Okay, great. [00:36:59] Speaker D: Go. [00:37:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:37:02] Speaker C: Come on, partner. [00:37:04] Speaker D: Come on down to the bar there. [00:37:05] Speaker C: Philip, I'm pretty new at this. Tell me what I need to know. [00:37:09] Speaker D: Ah, don't worry. I'mma learn you a thing or two. You just listen here. This here is a shot glass. It's made for shots. This one, you don't want to drink a lot. Take one to the dome, son. Take one down the throat. Take a little shot. Philip, that's all she wrote. [00:37:28] Speaker C: If that's all she wrote, why am I starting to choke? If that's all she wrote, why am I starting to choke? I thought with drinking, I'd be the goat, but any little liquor I take, I just choke. I'm like, think I got this down. [00:37:49] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:37:49] Speaker C: Pour me some liquor. Make it any amount. Oh, whiskey, hot toddy, mezcal as well. I'm sure this drink won't send me straight to hell. [00:38:00] Speaker D: Okay, now, this may seem like a lot, but if you want to drink cold, that's cold on the rocks. Take a little gin and take a little juice. Put them both together now. Now you'll get a little loose. [00:38:15] Speaker C: Why am I starting to choke? Every drink that you pour, yeah, I'm starting to choke. I'm having a drink. I thought I'd do the most. Every single drink. I'm just. I'm starting to choke like a. Well, well, every single drinks making me choke. [00:38:42] Speaker D: Okay, okay there, fella. I think I got something for you. When you take a little this and you take a little that, put it up in a shaker like a shot. Pap pap. Well, let me tell you this. With one of these, you'll never fail. Pour it in a cup, you got yourself a cocktail. [00:39:03] Speaker C: I'll try the cocktail. Yeah, I'll sip it down. [00:39:06] Speaker D: Go ahead. [00:39:06] Speaker C: There's not even that much liquor, right? Not that much amount. [00:39:10] Speaker A: No, not at all. [00:39:10] Speaker C: Maybe just a shot. [00:39:11] Speaker D: Okay. [00:39:12] Speaker C: And lots of fruit of things. [00:39:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:39:14] Speaker C: But suddenly when I drink it, I got no joke. I'm starting to choke. Somebody get the Epipen. I can't do the most because I'm starting to choke. [00:39:29] Speaker A: Get the defibrillator. [00:39:31] Speaker C: I'm dying. I see my grandfather. We're in heaven. My grandmother, too. They're both looking down at me saying, why can't you drink? Boy, I thought I taught you a thing or two. I'm starting to choke. [00:39:48] Speaker A: He's starting to choke. [00:39:56] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, I wish my whole life would flash before my eyes, but it didn't even. That's the stupid part. If I could have seen heaven or something, that would have been cool. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Yeah, that'd be cool. [00:40:06] Speaker B: But instead, I just friggin choked. [00:40:08] Speaker A: And a great incentive to drink scotch again. [00:40:11] Speaker B: Yeah, right. And didn't really. [00:40:12] Speaker A: Every time I drink scotch, I see all my old grandparents who passed away. [00:40:16] Speaker B: It's like that movie flatlining. I get further and further to the edge, but I never get there. [00:40:21] Speaker C: I'm starting to choke a man. [00:40:24] Speaker A: That's funny. I like that. That's a really funny bit. Here's a drink. It made him joke. Here's a different drink. [00:40:31] Speaker B: It made him joke. It's true. It did. It might as well have. I mean, I didn't really drink much on the trip after that. Kind of turned me off of it. But again, I had a very ordered relationship with it, so I was like, I can't drink when I'm performing. [00:40:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:45] Speaker B: Even though like famously many, many of the most famous performers were like, absolute alcoholics, drug addicts. But I mean, it also shortened their lives. Like, the people who have like a long a career of longevity and didn't just like burn out in their twenties, didn't do all those things. Or they did, but in moderation. [00:41:03] Speaker A: I mean, that's a, that's a curious point because you hear of people like the Rolling Stones or like Keith Richards, and that guy just looks like he's made out of cigarettes and alcohol. [00:41:18] Speaker B: You unzip the back and just 4000. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Loose cigarettes pour out and he crumbles from his. [00:41:26] Speaker B: No, my cigarettes. Is he british? [00:41:30] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:41:31] Speaker B: My cigarettes, that was what I used instead of muscle. He has like, superpowers. He can like, shoot cigarettes out of his fingers. [00:41:42] Speaker D: My fibrous tissue. [00:41:43] Speaker B: My fibrous tissue was dried tobacco leaves. Tobacco leaves wrapped around tendon. Yeah. [00:41:49] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know. I don't know how those guys do it. Functional alcoholics. [00:41:52] Speaker B: I was, I was watching the original. What's the movie? Total recall. [00:41:59] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:41:59] Speaker B: And I was thinking of Arnold. Like, how. And I was joking with my friend who I was like, watching the movie, I was like. It looked like they put a bodybuilder inside of another bodybuilder because he looks so insane. [00:42:10] Speaker C: He looks insane. [00:42:12] Speaker B: Like bad big. [00:42:14] Speaker A: Yeah, like bulbous. [00:42:15] Speaker B: Bulbous. Horrifying. Like sometimes in some shots, you're like, you look horrifying. Like, not how a human being should look. You look like you. You asked a genie for a wish and like, tricked you. [00:42:29] Speaker A: I don't know, man, that's, that's hot. I mean, he wasn't he Mister Olympia? Like, I think he, I don't know if he styles the record, but at the time, he had, like, the record for like, best body. [00:42:41] Speaker B: What's. What, that's a record you can win. [00:42:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, you know, Mister Olympia. Like the bodybuilding competition, he had, like, he came in that was like his competition for years before. [00:42:50] Speaker B: They were all juicing, right? Like they were all on drugs. I mean, who can say? I can right now. They were juicing I can't. [00:42:59] Speaker A: I. Legally, I can't say I forgot you own. [00:43:02] Speaker B: You have partial stake in the Olympias. [00:43:05] Speaker A: I can't say I wish I could, but yes. I mean, when I see somebody like one of my dear favorite people, celebrity people, the rock, who's also in some controversy right now, that may or may not be true, but I'm convinced that he has to be juicing. Right? He's like, 50 and he's huge, right? It's, like, kind of impossible to be that huge and that old. [00:43:28] Speaker B: Either he's. Either he's juicing, or his life is insane. I mean, I think I saw a video once of him talking about his schedule. He's like, I wake up at four, and I work out for, like, 8 hours or, like 6 hours or something, and then I go film my movies. [00:43:44] Speaker A: He works out for 24 hours. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Yeah. If you. If you only have 24 hours in a day, you're poor. [00:43:51] Speaker C: You didn't know. [00:43:52] Speaker B: You can buy more hours. You can buy them from a poor person. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Yeah, you can. You can just pretty much. It's like sucking their life force away. [00:43:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:43:59] Speaker B: Yeah. You. [00:43:59] Speaker C: You just. [00:44:00] Speaker B: You pay them. It's like. It's like $3,000 a day. And you get it from someone who, like, needs more money but less time. [00:44:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:44:06] Speaker B: You just get to take time off of their day. Isn't this the premise of that, of that one movie, time cops or whatever? [00:44:12] Speaker A: Wait, the Justin Timberlake movie? Yeah. Yeah. You could buy time. It was called in time. [00:44:17] Speaker B: That was in time. [00:44:18] Speaker A: In time. Which is fair. I mean, if somebody's on their way out and they just want some money to leave their kids, buy some of their time. [00:44:28] Speaker B: Buy their few remaining days on this earth from them as an act of charity. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Yeah. Why not do something good for once? [00:44:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Just for once, busk. Buy my life so I can leave something to my kids. [00:44:41] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [00:44:42] Speaker B: Please. [00:44:43] Speaker A: I don't need all these day to day. What am I gonna do? Work. [00:44:46] Speaker B: It's such a good idea for a movie, and I haven't seen it, but I assume it's wasted on Justin Timberlake. Not that he's. He's just not an actor. Right. [00:44:53] Speaker A: Man, I liked that movie. [00:44:55] Speaker B: Oh, was it good? I take it back. [00:44:56] Speaker C: I haven't seen it. [00:44:57] Speaker B: So I'm shitting on something I haven't. [00:44:57] Speaker A: Even seen, like, kind of like, trashy fun. Yeah, but they had this of, like, that they could see their time on their. I don't know how it worked, but, like, their time was, like, running out on their arm. Arm in, like, green ink. I'm not sure how it worked. [00:45:12] Speaker B: Yeah, that's great. [00:45:13] Speaker A: But you could see it, and that was, like, always, you know, a ticking clock. Like, oh. Oh, God, I need more time. [00:45:18] Speaker B: Wow. [00:45:19] Speaker A: It's really fun. [00:45:20] Speaker B: That is fun. [00:45:20] Speaker A: And then, like, the time worked also with aging. So if you looked old, that means that you were poor, because you could always just buy more time, and it made you look younger. I'm not sure how that works. [00:45:32] Speaker B: Only poor people were old. [00:45:33] Speaker A: Yeah, only the poor people were old. So, like, these rich people, they look like brother and sister, the opposite of. [00:45:38] Speaker B: Our economy right now. [00:45:40] Speaker A: Really? How so? Because only old people have money, but they. They're desperately trying not to look old, though. [00:45:47] Speaker B: Well, sure, but, yeah, I would. I mean, I feel like our. Yeah, our current situation, it's like a beautiful flip on the current. So edgy, so clever. [00:45:57] Speaker A: That movie from 14 years ago. [00:45:59] Speaker B: Yeah. Really had a handle on the 2024 financial crisis. [00:46:04] Speaker A: You know, I saw something on Instagram. I'm a sucker for Instagram. [00:46:07] Speaker B: You are? You scroll memes. [00:46:09] Speaker A: I do. I love the memes. And there's a page that I found that has what celebrities look like without filters. And so it has them. They are still heavily made up, but it's as if you saw them in person, so you could see how, like, thick the makeup is. And this is, like, males, females. You could see all the wrinkles. You could see them not smoothed out. And I love it. I can't get enough. And it's not, like, sadistic. Like, yeah, you look horrible. It's that they look real, and it's, like, demystifying these people, and it's, like, making them real human beings. And I can't help but picture, like, this is what it would look like if I was, like, on set with them and I had to see them every day. Like, yeah, it's real. I'm like, more people should be seen like this. There shouldn't be all this photoshopped and magazines and all these perfected versions of people on Instagram. They should get real and wrinkly. [00:46:59] Speaker C: You don't know. [00:47:00] Speaker B: You're beautiful, girl. [00:47:03] Speaker A: I didn't say they were all beautiful. Let's be clear. Oh, yeah. [00:47:07] Speaker B: You don't know your beautiful girl. You can keep using the filters if you want. I get it. I get it. [00:47:15] Speaker A: Well, it's fun, though, dude. I like it. I like the little grime. You know? [00:47:18] Speaker B: A little grime on somebody. [00:47:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I like the grime. It's more real. [00:47:21] Speaker B: I agree. I like. I like if I could choose, I'd actually choose someone who isn't perfect looking. [00:47:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:47:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I actually want someone. Have you seen the thing of, like, girls being, like, ugly hot? Like, he's, like, ugly hot. [00:47:38] Speaker A: Really? That's a thing? [00:47:39] Speaker C: It's a thing. [00:47:40] Speaker B: It's like when a guy doesn't look like a celebrity, but he's still attractive when what they're. It's like. It's just, like, making space for the idea that's just like, someone who, like, has a normal face, but it's still attractive to you and a lot. And someone else pointed out online, which I thought was fair, is, like, a lot of times it's like you're just attracted to your first, like, non totally white person. [00:48:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:01] Speaker B: It's like Adam driver's ugly hot. Close. [00:48:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:03] Speaker B: You're just attracted to a jewish person. You just met someone who actually isn't ethnically white all the way up their heritage. [00:48:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:11] Speaker B: And you made room for a tiny bit of that. [00:48:13] Speaker A: I mean, I think. I mean, white people are. They're making a comeback. [00:48:19] Speaker C: What? [00:48:19] Speaker D: Yeah, they're making a comeback, dude. [00:48:21] Speaker A: What do you mean? That's what I mean by this. [00:48:24] Speaker B: White people are back. [00:48:25] Speaker D: They're white. They're white and they're back, dude. [00:48:30] Speaker B: Oh, my. What? You have to tell me what you mean by this. [00:48:33] Speaker D: White people are back. White people are back. [00:48:38] Speaker C: What do you mean? [00:48:39] Speaker D: Yo, white people are back. [00:48:42] Speaker A: Let me explain, please. [00:48:45] Speaker D: Yo, Taylor Swift number one hits the black people. Beyonce don't give a shit. [00:48:52] Speaker A: Yo, Tyler. [00:48:54] Speaker D: Yeah, sure, I guess she's wet, but have you heard about that guy who played for the jets? Or was it KC? What's that white dude who dated Taylor Swift? [00:49:04] Speaker C: Travis Kelsey? [00:49:06] Speaker D: Yeah, that's that dude people go crazy. [00:49:09] Speaker A: For Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey. [00:49:13] Speaker C: Timmy Chalamet. Yeah, now this is his day. Yeah, you can see him. Ears like a white boy fish filet. [00:49:19] Speaker B: Yeah, you can eat him. [00:49:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:49:21] Speaker C: So delicious, bruh. When I see that hair, I wanna slurp him up. [00:49:27] Speaker D: White people are back. [00:49:29] Speaker C: We're back, we're back. [00:49:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:49:31] Speaker C: We never hit the sack. You thought we were better in the eighties? Surprise. We are back. [00:49:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:36] Speaker C: We got Hela flow. We go hella hard. Yeah, you see us, face card never. [00:49:42] Speaker B: Declines aryan features all of the time. [00:49:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:49:46] Speaker C: Yeah. You want to be racist? 2024. [00:49:51] Speaker B: The time to do it. [00:49:52] Speaker D: Yeah. Kim Kardashian's ass. That's yesterday. I need a pancake ass as flat as this face. [00:50:00] Speaker C: Yeah, you know, finally. It's time. Ye's over. All those girls. It's time for Ariana Grande, except she's rebranded now. She's Reg. Yeah, she's back to being white. In 2003, she was black as hell, then asian for a time. Now she's back being white once again. Sublime. [00:50:20] Speaker D: They're back. The whites are back. Being white is cool again. Yeah, it's back. Sorry if you're latino or black, because whites. Yeah, they're back. [00:50:33] Speaker C: White people are back. White people are back. White people are back. [00:50:40] Speaker D: White people are back. [00:50:42] Speaker C: White people are back. White people are back. Yeah, in the sixties, we were cool. Hippies, that was kind of fun. Seventies, eighties, that was pretty cool. We were number one in the nineties. For a time, being black was kind of cool. But once again, the whites are back to rule the fucking school. [00:51:00] Speaker D: The greatest rapper of all time. [00:51:03] Speaker A: The greatest rapper of all time. [00:51:05] Speaker C: Eminem. The greatest rapper. Rapper of all time. Greatest greatest rapper of all time. [00:51:12] Speaker A: Eminem. [00:51:13] Speaker C: No, there is one more, even better. For all the whites out there. And his name is Macklemore. Yo, the whites are back. [00:51:25] Speaker A: They're back. Make America back again. [00:51:30] Speaker D: Make America. [00:51:33] Speaker B: Anyway, thanks for watching y'all. Bye. [00:51:37] Speaker A: Tune in soon. [00:51:38] Speaker C: Bye. [00:51:42] Speaker A: That's great. [00:51:43] Speaker B: Oh, I didn't sink at the beginning.

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